Monday, December 14, 2009


As today comes swinging to a halt, it's late but not early. As we come to the final decisions, do we stay or shall I run, but if we do either, may we use the same fire escape?

We stand here, fogged with decisions and with every other answer from someone else, we find ourselves more confused than when we started. Dazed and confused about our outcomes, i figured that when were done, we will not divided together.

I remember the great things that are lost and i remembered the lost that were great, but in the grey, we all lost!

As the days approach quicker and our hearts break together, they stop and ask us..."What are you two going to do?"

We question each other time and time again, until the answer bugs us and as time flips away, you still the only one he sees. Finishing up and taking a leap, for the first time, i truly can fly. As the line is drawn and the temptation to jump is finally behind, we look deep in each other but never looking down!

Looking backward instead, and running forward, all i see is you and my dreams are finally coming true. We answer their questions together, finally seeing where we stand, but if divided there would never be an end. But together, may the world not stand in our way...For in God...For in God, we were always there!

Genisis 2:23-24
The man said, "Thisis now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be unitied with his wife, and they will become one flesh.