Monday, December 20, 2010

Can he?

I wrote this about four years ago, probably in one of the worst times in my life. I was addicted to cocaine and really strung out, but for some reason God still takes the broken and makes them new...Look at me now...straight macking

What if in a moment you had everything and with one single breath,
it just all fell apart, vanished, and/or disappeared?

Well, I know I have.

With every great nation there comes it's collapse
and with every great saint, there comes their fall.
But what if it could be restored?
Would you also be?

A man cannot live by another man's support to make sure that he breathesthe correct way and a woman can not bear child without the help of a man.
But can a man live life by faith, so that he may save others in the end?
Well, I know I can.

Can God save those that are starving, dying, or are just tired of being tired?

Well.....I know he will.

Will God take a broken, beat up, rejected, drug addict, alcoholic, stubborn, deprived, unloved, jealous, prideful, boostful, greedy, abused, hated, torn apart, ungrateful, back stabbing, gossiping heart and make them new????

Well....I know he has